Extra salt on dry pavement?

Sweeping leftover salt reduces damage to concrete and protects local waterways.

sweeping saltsalt damage

sugar river

Take part in, or start, a local #sweepthesalt campaign in your community. Dry salt can be reused if needed after a future storm event. Alternatively, some communities are instituting salt recycling programs.

salt recycling


Remember, if we throw salt "away," it travels to the nearest landfill where it dissolves into landfill leachate. Wastewater treatment plants that treat this leachate cannot remove the salt. The salt that we threw "away" ends up getting discharged into local waterways.


Additional Resources:

Shovel, Scatter, Switch, Sweep Doorhanger

WI Salt Wise Partnership: A coalition of organizations working together to reduce salt pollution in our lakes, streams and drinking water.